May your Baptism in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit be fully verified in your life of love to your needy neighbours as true sons and daughters of God. Happy Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity! +John I. Okoye
(Deut, 4,32-34.39-40; Rom, 8,14-17; Matthew 28,16-20; Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity)
We begin our reflection on the mystery of the Blessed Trinity, the solemnity which we celebrate today, by bringing to mind the words of Jesus in today’s gospel reading: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Christ did not only receive immortal life through his victory over death but also the dominion/lordship of the universe. He has power over everything. He received this power from God the Father. This power is unlimited and embraces all things and is exercised both in heaven and on earth. All things that appear in heaven and on earth depend on Jesus and are under his control. Life and salvation of the people are in his hands. It is only when people recognise him as their Lord, that they will be able to reach their salvation. Having, therefore, the full possession of universal power, Jesus gives directives for universal mission: Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations. As the Lord of all the people, he sent disciples to all men. No people, persons or generation of peoples are excluded from this commission. Jesus’ appeal should reach every one; all should be able to know him. In his activity, Jesus did not use force to get people to follow him; he simply disseminated his message and called disciples to follow him freely. The disciples should now continue his work in the same way; without using force but through their word and their exemplary lives, with the power of the Holy Spirit and strengthened by the continuous presence and the powerful assistance of Jesus. It is true that they do not see him visibly, but he never abandoned them and continues to be by their side: And know that I am with you always; yes to the end of time.
Being a disciple means living one’s life according to Jesus’ example. The disciple should be able to win people to this type of life which consists in communion of life with Jesus and in following him. We cannot be disciples of Jesus, and therefore Christians, if we remain far from him. We are disciples of Jesus only when we live in close communion with him. We cannot belong to Jesus, if we welcome only part of his messages, doing so according to our tastes and moods; we belong to him if we allow him to indicate the way to communion with him. We become complete disciples through baptism: Baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Baptism is not just an exterior rite as the words of baptism are not exterior formula. In baptism what is symbolised in the rite and which are expressed through words is realised: we become immersed, we are completely inserted in the realm of power, protection and life of the Blessed Trinity.
The essential nucleus of Jesus’ message is seen in his message about God. Jesus reveals God as Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. Jesus lives among his disciples the life of the Son of God with the full knowledge of love of the Father, with an unlimited confidence/trust in the Father and unconditional obedience to him. God recognises him as his Son (John 3,17; 17,5) and the disciples could confess him as the Son of God (John 14,33; 16,16). Jesus accomplishes his work with the power of the Holy Spirit (John 3,16; 12,18). Through him, the Father is recognised as the Father, who is equal to him. The Father and Son are linked to themselves with an extraordinary mutual understanding of love and knowledge.
The Old Testament recognises God as the creator of heaven and earth and all that are in them. In this perspective, all around God are all his creatures and all of them are essentially and infinitely different from him. There is none among his creatures with whom God can enter into communion. But with Jesus, his Son, this is possible and both of them are united by the Holy Spirit in divine love of mutual knowledge, understanding and in a communion of fullness of life and equality. We are baptised in the name of this God who is in himself communion. Baptism places us under his protection and under the power of this God. Through baptism, God has inserted us among his own beloved ones, we belong to him. Through baptism, we are lifted unto the family of God, we become sons and daughters of God. God who lives in himself the intimate and familiar communion of the Father and Son, welcomes us in this communion.
With the instruction: Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you, Jesus notes that following him and living in communion with the Trinitarian God, will not be realised anyhow. We cannot wish to be linked to God and live in communion with him and at the same time despise his will and serve other gods in various ways. Jesus indicated to his disciples that doing the will of the Father is a necessary condition for communion with the Blessed Trinity. The disciples of Jesus have the responsibility to instruct, in this regard, all those who come to know Jesus through them and who through baptism will be welcomed into God’s family.
The risen Jesus reveals himself to his disciples as the Lord of heaven and earth. He does not command with force but wishes to win for himself, through the apostles, all people. Jesus appeared to his eleven apostles as one who received from God the Father full power over heaven and earth. He gave them the duty of universal mission: all people of all generations are destined to become disciples of Jesus, accept the revelation of God from him and order their way of life according to his teachings. Central to the work of Jesus is the revelation of God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the revelation, that is of God who in himself is communion and love. The disciples participation in this divine life commences through baptism, is brought into maturity during life and will be perfected in the eternal life. May our participation in the communal life of the Holy Trinity therefore, help us to show active love to one another especially to our needy brothers and sisters. Happy celebration of the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity! +John Okoye