Sunday 6 August 2017


May God give you the insight to always appreciate the divine identity of his beloved Son, Jesus Christ and to follow faithfully his guildance. Happy Sunday of the Transfiguration. + John I. Okoye

(Daniel 7,9-10.13-14; 2 Peter 1,16-19; Matthew 17,1-9; The Transfiguration of the Lord: Year A, 2017)
    Jesus was God incarnate in the world. He was born as a child and grew into adulthood when he began his ministry. Letter of St. Paul to the Philippians (Chapter Two) indicates that Jesus did not hold on to his Godhead but emptied himself and became man and even took the position of a slave. In his ministry, he workedincognito and was known as the son of Mary and Joseph, the carpenter. To most people, he was a wonder worker, a teacher par excellence and, possibly, the Messiah who was to come into the world.  In Chapter 16 of Matthew’s gospel, Jesus gave the first announcement of his passion. This did not go down well with his disciples. Jesus, therefore, needed to reinforce their faith and prepare them for the events of his passion and resurrection. He got transfigured before three of them, Peter, James and John on the mountain.
              The transfiguration of Jesus was not a simple metamorphosis (a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one). Christ was not changed from a terrestrial human being to a celestial divine one. Rather his transfiguration was a moment in time when the divine glory he had always possessed broke through his humanity and shone with a brilliance that was blinding. Nothing had prepared the apostles for this experience and there was no way to describe it except with cosmic imagery: his face shone like the sun and his clothes became as white as the light. Thus, like Moses before him, (Exodus 34,35) Jesus’ face shines brightly. In the same instance, his attire is also brilliant.  Jesus was seen conversing with Moses and Elijah, the representatives of the Law and the Prophets, respectively. These were the men who stood for the entire religious tradition of ancient Israel. Enthused, by the whole event the apostles, through Peter, wanted to prolong Jesus’ transfiguration and conversation with the ancient heroes. Unfortunately, their wish did not come true, as a voice from a bright cloud that covered them identifies Jesus as Son and gives authority to his teaching: This is my Son, the Beloved; he enjoys my favour, Listen to him. What can we proffer as the utility of the Transfiguration? It is the revelation of the glory of Christ, the Son of God, who is not only the reason/cause and basis of our faith but also the foundation of our docility to God. Whoever has seen Christ’s glory of has no option but to listen to him. There is no need seeking ways and pretences to refuse listening to him. When the most glorious Son of God speaks to us, he has full rights over our docility. What we should keep in mind is that this docility leads us into divine glory, it is the necessary path through which to enter into this glory. It is to be noted that even for Christ, the only way to acquire the full glory for his humanity was the way of obedience to the Father  and accepting His will: Father, may your will be done (Matt 6,10; 26, 42). Also for us the way of reaching out to the glory and fullness of life, consists of listening to the God made man, who became a man of sorrows, suffered and adhered completely, absolutely, and unconditionally to the will of God. 
            The transfiguration eventually came to an end. The disciples were impressed and touched and they fell on their faces, prostrated in great fear. Jesus touches them and said: Stand up! Do not be afraid!. They did not see any person except Jesus when they stood up. The duration of the vision is not meant to be life long, but it is to bear fruit throughout life. It is a special grace that illuminates all life but does not present itself at every moment of life. The three disciples of Jesus had to get back to their normal life with this attitude of mind. Which is also applicable to us.
    Only three of the apostles of Jesus were taken up to the mountain for this vision of the transfiguration and eventual manifestation of the glory and true identity of Jesus. Did the other nine apostles loose out and do we modern disciples of Jesus loose out? They did not! Nor do we, who are today’s present witnesses of the majesty of Christ. Through our baptism and our Christian living there are moments we are sensitized to behold the glory of Christ and hear the voice proclaiming his identity as the Son of God. To realize this, we need the eyes of faith and ears that are open to the Spirit of God. We really never know when God will choose to reveal a glimpse of divine glory. The disciples probably thought Jesus was merely taking them up to the mountain to pray, as he had done in many occasions. Like them all we have to do is follow Jesus and open ourselves to whatever God has in store for us. Happy Sunday of the Lord’s Transfiguration! +John I. Okoye

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