Sunday 21 June 2015

12th Sunday of Year B....DOCTRINE AND FAITH

(Job 3:1.8-11; 2 Cor. 5:14-17; Mark 4:35-41, 12th Sunday of Year B)
The major lessons we must draw from today’s readings, are that we should live in constant awareness of the overwhelming presence of God and having the conviction that he has the power to intervene in the events of our life. The tendency to fall into the grip of anxiety when we meet the odds of life is quite natural.  However, a Christian who has the unshaken conviction that God is ever present, no matter what happens, and that his power to save is certain, goes through life with a unique serenity and composure.  He is not put off by difficulties.  Unpalatable experiences in life challenge him to cling more to his faith instead of robbing him of them.  
The experience of the disciples in today’s gospel presents us with a veritable example of the great difference God’s intervention can make in our lives.  Frightened by the strong waves that tossed their boat about and overwhelmed by anxiety in the face of such a huge threat to their lives, the disciples were thrown into great panic.  There in the boat with them was Jesus.  Fear and anxiety blinded them from seeing him as a saviour whose presence made all the difference.  They woke him up, not because of the faith that he would intervene and save them, but rather, that he should feel concerned about the situation and be part of the panic.  However, Jesus got up and intervened.  The disciples’ lack of faith, for which he chided them later, did not stop him from saving them.  Love supplied where faith was lacking!
It is indeed very consoling to know that no matter how gloomy situations around us may appear and no matter the level of hopelessness we may have to contend with, Jesus can always intervene and make a difference.  His love, as St. Paul says in today’s second reading, overwhelms us.  He may appear to be asleep when things go the wrong way; his seeming silence may compel us to ask like the disciples: “Master do you not care?”  However, his presence in the boats of our lives assures us that the waves will not blow us to destruction.  In spite of the shallowness of our faith or even outright lack of it, God always surrounds his people with divine intervention that restores peace in the midst of the strong waves and threatening turbulence of life. Let us therefore, ask God for the grace to always see in every situation of life His Divine Presence. Happy Sunday  
+John I. Okoye

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